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Iran Israel Savas

Iran-Israel Tensions Escalate, Biden Warns of Imminent Attack

April 12, 2024 | Updated: 4:47 PM

US President Joe Biden Raises Concerns of Impending Assault

In a concerning development, President Biden expressed his belief that Iran poses an imminent threat to Israel during a White House press conference on Friday. This heightened tension follows a decades-old "shadow war" between the two nations, according to local media reports.

Tehran's Suspicions and Accusations

Iran believes that Israel and the United States collaborated to unleash the Stuxnet computer virus on its nuclear program in the early 2000s. In response, Tehran has reportedly threatened retaliation against both countries.

Amidst this escalating rhetoric, the US military commander responsible for the Middle East, General Michael "Erik" Kurilla, is scheduled to visit Israel on Thursday. His visit is expected to include discussions on strengthening defense measures against a potential attack.

Biden's Urgent Warning

President Biden's warning underscores the gravity of the situation. He cautioned that an Iranian attack against Israel could occur "sooner rather than later." This warning has prompted Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to call an emergency meeting with top officials to prepare for a possible assault.

The international community is closely monitoring the developing events. The possibility of a direct military confrontation between Iran and Israel, with the potential involvement of other regional powers, raises significant concerns for global stability.
